A Long Time (5 years) Ago...
An Irish gal rented a room next door to a New Jersey guy in a small apartment in Boston and something delightfully unexpected was set in motion. Night after night, they found themselves engaged in intimate, effortless conversation well into the wee hours, leaving both with a palpably electric, giddy feeling when they would eventually and reluctantly bid a clumsy goodnight at their adjacent bedroom doors. Before long they were enjoying spontaneous dinners at a neighborhood bar, exchanging familiar, affectionate messages throughout their days apart, offering unspoken support (he drove her to work; she filled his eternally empty kitchen cabinet with proper nutrition), and mutually experiencing the sweet considerations, thoughtful gestures and meaningful glances that even a passing toddler would recognize as good old fashioned courtship. But not these two! Instead, their bashful denial continued for two tender months, until one fateful night when the cailín — bested by a blend of curiosity and pure impatience — summoned the courage to dare a kiss...and FIREWORKS!!! (Which was a tremendous relief, as anything short and she would have immediately evicted herself just to avoid the awkwardness.) From that moment on, there was no looking back: roommates had sparked romance, and this summer this unconventional pair will say “I do” in Ireland!

A Note to Our Loved Ones...
Since that first kiss, our path as a couple has been as unorthodox as our origin story. We reflect back on these five years spent together and feel as though it has surely been vastly more, as this time was so saturated with all manner of surprises, unanticipated challenges, and profound change. Trials and triumphs, love and loss, abject terror and utter elation, homesickness, heartbreak, hilarity, healing, growth, despair, break-ins, repair...it has been a relentless adventure. But we have tumbled through this rough together, rebuilding and renewing as necessary, loving each other all the while, taking it in turns to be anchor, and always appreciating the happy times, the silver lining, the sustaining humor in all, and the unparalleled luck that we have in the form of our incredible families and friends.
You have all supported us in countless ways (like flying to Ireland to be at our wedding!!) and we are grateful beyond measure. For us, this celebration is a beautiful milestone, marking the end (hopefully) of a mettle-testing marathon and the beginning of a boundless new chapter. We would not have made it this far without the enduring faith and kindness of such a marvelous community of people, and we simply cannot wait to celebrate our joy with you all in such a special place this summer!